Here are some of the game projects that I have worked on thus far
Kloot Arena
Development Duration: 6 Months
Engine: Unity
by: Itatake
Developed an I2Loc language updating tool & a Changelog generator
Co-developed the game’s rank system back-end and font-end for the 2.0 version.
Developed several back-end systems for managing data.
Inspired by the game: Roboquest
Project Duration: 15 Weeks
Engine: Custom (Mys Engine)
Implementation of the player controller and weapon systems.
Iterated and updated the UI API used for enemy health bars and tutorial pop-ups.
Spite : Through the veil
Inspired by the Diablo series
Project Duration: 15 Weeks
Engine: Custom (Mys Engine)
Iterated and developed the engine’s UI API.
Developed the functionality of the game’s HUD and UI elements
Developed a behaviour system for the final boss
Project Duration: 8 Weeks
Engine: TGA’s Engine (The Game Engine)
Iterated and developed the engine’s UI API.
Developed the functionality of the game’s HUD and UI elements
Created a dialog system and pipeline to easily add and display dialog text
Developed a level exporter in Unity with a custom play button to launch the custom engine.
Inspired by the game: Striders
Project Duration: 8 Weeks
Engine: TGA’s Engine (The Game Engine)
Iterated and developed the engine’s UI API.
Developed the functionality of the game’s HUD and UI elements
Developed a dynamic behaviour system for the enemies.